When it comes to money, you need to be prudent. Interest rates are important in any investment tools. Interest rates can increase your capital fast, interest rates also can incur a lot of lost to your money.
Transfering your money from one place to another, trying to reduce your interest payments — that is Balance Transfer. Why balance transfer? You own the banks money, you have lots of credit cards payments arrears, all debts accumulating. Every month you are paying the minimum payments when the bill comes. When you never pay up, the bank calls you.
One credit card is not cleared, another card is used again. Soon all the credit cards limit is reached and you cannot charge to all the cards. However, you still need to pay for what you own to the credit cards companies. You have no money to pay these cards, but you still need to pay interests. Balance transfer helps you to transfer these money to another source so that you end up paying lesser interest rates. Different companies offer different interest rates.
Owing money is no peace at all. Every month you need to remember to pay back interests amounts to the banks. If you never pay up, the banks call you, remind you and send you letter too. Sometimes the bank wants to cancel your account, ask you to pay them by a due date. This is no joke to these people who owe the bank money. It is all stress for them. If they cannot pay up, they will be declared bankrupt. So their ‘hobbies’ become a habit of searching for low interest rates balance transfer. On top of that, these people need to constantly look for ways to ‘win’ the credit cards company — they want to have their money to make more money, returns higher than what the credit cards are charging, the 24%! They always want to earn the fastest money and ‘big’ money so that they can repay the credit cards money.
In a way, balance transfer is a good way to save money, it can saves a lot of money indeed! In addition, many banks are competing against one another. Some banks even give you free gifts when you sign up for their balance transfer facility! So in the end, these people are saving money and getting free gifts! Just recently, my husband applies for a balance transfer. After two weeks, he received a letter, asking him to go down to collect his free MP3 player!
Transfering your money from one place to another, trying to reduce your interest payments — that is Balance Transfer. Why balance transfer? You own the banks money, you have lots of credit cards payments arrears, all debts accumulating. Every month you are paying the minimum payments when the bill comes. When you never pay up, the bank calls you.
One credit card is not cleared, another card is used again. Soon all the credit cards limit is reached and you cannot charge to all the cards. However, you still need to pay for what you own to the credit cards companies. You have no money to pay these cards, but you still need to pay interests. Balance transfer helps you to transfer these money to another source so that you end up paying lesser interest rates. Different companies offer different interest rates.
Owing money is no peace at all. Every month you need to remember to pay back interests amounts to the banks. If you never pay up, the banks call you, remind you and send you letter too. Sometimes the bank wants to cancel your account, ask you to pay them by a due date. This is no joke to these people who owe the bank money. It is all stress for them. If they cannot pay up, they will be declared bankrupt. So their ‘hobbies’ become a habit of searching for low interest rates balance transfer. On top of that, these people need to constantly look for ways to ‘win’ the credit cards company — they want to have their money to make more money, returns higher than what the credit cards are charging, the 24%! They always want to earn the fastest money and ‘big’ money so that they can repay the credit cards money.
In a way, balance transfer is a good way to save money, it can saves a lot of money indeed! In addition, many banks are competing against one another. Some banks even give you free gifts when you sign up for their balance transfer facility! So in the end, these people are saving money and getting free gifts! Just recently, my husband applies for a balance transfer. After two weeks, he received a letter, asking him to go down to collect his free MP3 player!