Online Business Ideas

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The significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain. 
Kahil Gibran

It is very easy and inexpensive now to create a website, develop an info-product, or put together your own audios - and that's just naming a few of the Business Ideas you could develop online...
You can get website templates for only $5 at and download a free HTML Editor at . Combined, creating your own website is almost as easy as copy & paste and fill in the blanks!
A few more Online Business Ideas to consider:* Promote affiliate programs on Google Adwords
* Write a book* Publish your own ebook
* Create a website about your favorite topic (or ANY topic), and promote affiliate programs or * use Google Adsense on your pages
* Instead of a website, you can also 
start a blog and use affiliate programs or Google Adsense to earn revenue.
* Develop your own product
* Telecommute / 
Freelance Writing Jobs
* Join a Direct Sales company
* Start your own service-based business (consulting, 
copywritingweb design, accounting, desktop publishing, etc)
* Start & moderate a discussion group, 
discussion forum or membership site on a popular topic.
* Medical Transcription* Sell on eBay